Monday, March 28, 2011

B's Pinewood Derby Experience

                Hi! I am writing this so that I can get my Communicator Scouts Badge, my deadline is tomorrow. 

          So, I had fun at the Derby. I was in 3 races. I won the first one, and lost the others, so I couldn't go on. My car was a basic shape, it was yellow and had splotches of lots of colors and I coated it with A's sparkly rainbow nail polish. I called it the 'Rainblur'. It was my last Derby so I didn't care if it won or not. A kid named Malachi won. Here's a few pictures. Thanks for letting me get my badge. 

Monday, February 28, 2011

Put on your laughing hat!

So the kids and I like to tell each other jokes and we have a few favorites that always make us laugh (well I always laugh). Here goes:
How do you make a handkerchief dance?

You put a little "boogie" in it!

(very appropriate during this season of sickness!)
What did the snail say to the turtle?


and, finally, my absolute favorite joke: 

Why aren't kids allowed to go to pirate movies?

Because they're always rated ARRRRRRR!

Thank you, thank you very much!

meet the {plus three}

 A-  I'm 13 years old and lovin' it. I have my own room, like pickles, and chewing black jack bubble gum. I
            like to play soccer and basketball. My talents are singing, playing the piano, and (I think so) dancing!!

   B-  Hi! I'm almost 11. I share a room with my little brother, like chocolate milk, and eating corn-dogs. I LOVE reading,creating things, and drawing.. My talents include creativity, acting, and using big words (my favorite word is 'redundant').

     C- I'm almost 9 years old and I like to do lots of things, like math, trying out new sports and acting! I really like peanut butter sandwiches and I love milk. I also like learning fun stuff in the TAG (talented & gifted) program at my school. I'm in third grade and I'm also a cub scout.

Friday, February 25, 2011

a little inspiration

I found this word art online @
and I definitely felt inspired to pick a few and do them RIGHT NOW! Okay, bye!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Here we go!

My first post on my first blog. So exciting!

This blog is mostly for me, but I'll let you share it too! Hopefully this will make up for the abysmal lack of journalling thus far in my life and also give me a spot to show off my family and the things we love to do. I can't predict what will appear on these pages, but I do know it will be a fun experiment.
